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3 a.m. Thoughts

Stephanie Specchio, the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce's Director of Marketing and Communications, offers her fourth in an ongoing series of columns. She will provide insights from the Chamber periodically.

By Stephanie Specchio

SCHUYLER COUNTY, April 13, 2022 -- The Chamber is excited to announce that Schuyler Hospital will serve as the 2022 Presenting Sponsor for Leadership Schuyler. Members of the Chamber’s Business and Education Committee are contemplating the session topics right now.

As we think about the subject areas that experts will explore with the Leadership Schuyler Class of '22, I’ve been doing some research. I’m struck by the “lists” that exist. Experts are convinced that a “leader” is marked by some number of concrete and measurable traits. Depending on the expert and list, leaders may be visionary, they may be honest to the core, or they may be an excellent delegator. Maybe they’ve mastered all of these skills.

It occurs to me that multiple definitions of leadership may exist. Further, the same person may define leadership differently if the context of the situation is considered. During the course of my career, I’ve communicated my way through various crises. COVID, of course, but also mock abductions that brought sharp shooters to rooftops, incinerator malfunctions, and racism.

In every crisis, the most effective leaders were those who remained calm. A level head -- rather than impulsivity or hand-wringing -- is more likely to inspire trust and loyalty and convince followers that there is a way forward. To support this, in a study by TalentSmart, 90% of top performers demonstrated the ability to manage their emotions and stay calm in stressful situations.

I’ve also had the good fortune to work with those who live on the leading edge of medical breakthroughs. In those environments, the true leaders were those who didn’t give up. The leaders were those scientists who lived and breathed their hypotheses and found insight even in research studies that by all other measures failed. As I think about these leaders, it seems they all embodied passion, and they demonstrated this passion by actively listening in conversations, seeking continuous learning, visibly being excited, and freely sharing thoughts and ideas.

I’m excited to see what skills this year’s class of Leadership Schuyler, presented by Schuyler Hospital, will develop!

Photo in text: Stephanie Specchio

For Stephanie Specchio's first column, click here.
For Stephanie Specchio's second column, click here.
For Stephanie Specchio's third column, click here.


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