Click on the ad below for more information.

Specc’s Chocolates is offering a new twist on sharing your love this year: custom double-stuffed chocolate dipped Oreos. After dipping everyone’s favorite cookie in couverture chocolate, Specc’s customizes the top with your special expressions of love using edible cocoa butter.
Valentine’s Day Oreos can be ordered by calling 607-331-4276 or visit www.SpeccsFudge.com. Specc’s Chocolates is located at 304 N. Franklin Street, Watkins Glen. All fudge, chocolates, truffles, and novelties are hand-crafted on-site using sustainably and ethically sourced couverture chocolate.

Public Service

Watkins Glen Hometown Heroes Program
Will be opening for new applications on January 20th and closing on February 20, 2025. Applications may be found on Shoc’s website, www.shocny.org, and also
at the HSC Building:
Schuyler Veterans Service Agency,
323 Owego Street,
Montour Falls
--WGHH Committee


Rest in Music Moment
First Presbyterian Church of Watkins Glen
In the midst of our busy weeks, we want to offer you a chance to rest. Every Wednesday from 12 to 12:45, our sanctuary will be open for music and meditation. Come for a few minutes, or stay the whole time. There is no program or pressure, just time to quiet your thoughts in our sanctuary and listen to music.

The ad above is brought to you by CAA:
Council on Alcoholism & Addictions
of The Finger Lakes

Click on the ad below to reach the survey.

Spiritual assistance
The Glen Baptist Church would love to give spiritual assistance to our community during these difficult times. We encourage you to visit our Facebook page to hear Pastor Paul Brown for our online worship service Sunday at 10:30 a.m., and a Sunday School lesson at 9:30 a.m. On Sunday evenings at 5:30 p.m. you can hear some members from our church share how they came to know Christ as their Savior.
Our church website is www.glenbaptistchurch.org. If you have questions or concerns or want to share a prayer request, email us at info@glenbaptistchurch.org or leave a message at 607-535-4802. Be sure to leave your contact information so we can get back to you.

Hometown Heroes Banner Program
To Honor Veterans in the Village of Odessa area, a Hometown Heroes Banner Program has been initiated and is now seeking Veteran banner applications. Banners displaying a veteran's name, rank & photo are to be hung in the Village from early May until just past Veterans Day.
A veteran, from any branch of the Armed Forces, any rank at any time, must have lived in the Village of Odessa at some point in his or her life and can be alive or departed. A good quality photo in uniform is required to be submitted with an application but will be returned.
Banner cost is $100 and donations in any amount are appreciated. Applications & donations can be made out to the Village of Odessa, and sent c/o Peggy Tomassi, 407 Merchant Ave., Odessa, NY 14869.
Applications are available at the Odessa Municipal Building or by visiting https://www.nyvillageofodessa/hometownherobannerprogram
and must be submitted by April 3rd.

The ad below was submitted by the
Council on Alcohol & Addictions.

The above was provided by a Substance Abuse
Prevention Educator.

Click on the ad below to learn more.

For more on the ad above, click here.

Youth Program
Of Schuyler County
In conjunction with Catholic Charities and the Youth
Located in the Human Services Building
Free & Confidential
Crisis Intervention
Information & Referrals
Interim Family Program
24/7 hotline 607-742-9629
For youth up to age 21 who are at risk of becoming
homeless or have run away

Carbon Monoxide
Alarms Now Mandatory in All Homes
As of February 22, 2010, all new and existing homes that burn fuel
for heat or appliances or that have an attached garage, must have
a carbon monoxide alarm. This includes one-family or multi-family
dwellings, owned or rented.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that results
when any fuel is burned. Examples of common sources that could produce
CO (carbon monoxide) are:
*fuel-fired furnaces (not electric)
*gas water heaters
*fireplaces and wood stoves/coal stoves
*gas stoves
*non-electric space heaters
*gas dryers
*charcoal grills
*lawnmowers, snowblowers
*gas-powered generators
These alarms may be purchased at Home and Hardware stores. For more
information on carbon monoxide and alarms, go to http://www.dos.state.ny.us/fire/COtoolkit.htm
or contact Schuyler County Emergency Management at 535-8200.

Join the sponsorship team!!
can contribute to the operation of this website by clicking
on a Paypal link at the top left of most pages, or here:
you can send a check or money order to:
Odessa File, P.O. Box 365, Odessa, NY 14869
list of our contributors can be found on the Sponsors
Page. |